Competition "parco della lambretta", Milan (Italy)
This competition was promoted by the "Comitato Amici del Metrobosco" for Lambretta's park (to have more information CLICK HERE). It was an international competition where many students from different world University proposed an idea to renovate the factory of the famous brand "Lambretta" and its park. The project is based on the analogy between the gothic cathedral of Milan and the "new cathedral" of the production in a era where the role of the churches in the society was taken by the factories. The labyrinth is a critical analysis of those we can find in a gothic cathedral and the entire project aims to find a path to elevate the spirit and the mind through the concept of the quest of ourselves. The musical and exoteric partition based on pythagorean roles is a projection that connect the idea of gothic cathedrals and the new factory.